Step 2

Manage your Listings

On this page you will learn how to take advantage of our resources to manage your Remote Fulfillment with FBA listings

Build International Listings (BIL)

By enrolling in Remote Fulfillment with FBA, you will also be automatically enrolled in Build International Listings, which duplicates your US offers for the target store or stores.

Your US price is synchronized to the target stores and adjusted according to:
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Current exchange rate
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Differences in referral fees between countries
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Additional fulfillment fees for cross-border deliveries
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If you wish you can also include additional markups to your prices in the target marketplaces on the Build International Listings (BIL) page.
If you make a manual change to your ASIN price in your target store or stores, the connection to your US price will be broken, and your prices must be set manually. When you manually set your prices, please ensure that you account for the exchange rate difference between US, Canada and Mexico to avoid unwanted pricing errors.

ASIN Status Report:

To keep track of your offers, download the ASIN Status report on the Remote Fulfillment with FBA page.

The file will show which of your ASINs:
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Are eligible to be sold through Remote Fulfillment.
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Require an action in source Marketplace (US) before you can add them to the program.
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Require an action in target Marketplaces (Mexico or Canada) before you can add them to the program.
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Have been removed from the program

How to enroll/unenroll ASINs:

Learn about how use the ASIN Status Report to unenroll eligible ASINs in Canada and Mexico in the Remote Fulfillment with FBA program:

1st step: Download your ASIN Status Report

Open the Remote Fulfillment with FBA page and download the most recent version of your ASIN status report.

2nd step: Select the ASINs you want to remove

Determine the specific country and product you want to remove from the program, type in “No” on the
“Enable/Disable” column and save the file.

3rd step: Upload ASIN Status Report File

Open the Remote Fulfillment with FBA page and click on the “Choose file” button, then select your ASIN Status Report file with the changes and upload it. Once the upload is completed it will deactivate the ASINs you modified on your report from being enrolled in the target country that you selected.

To re-enroll your products

In the future, if you want to reactivate those ASINS, go to your report and type “yes” on the column “Enable/disable” colored in red at each marketplace. And upload your report to reactivate those ASINs for you.

If you have followed the steps above, you have learned how to manage your Remote Fulfillment with FBA offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Build International Listings (BIL):
If I add new selections in US FBA, will those ASINs be available in Remote Fulfillment with FBA?
Any additional selection added to US FBA will be automatically evaluated for Remote Fulfillment with FBA and automated enrolled based on eligibility.
What possibilities do I have to create offers?
You can create offers linked to your US inventory in the following ways:
- Select automatic listing creation when you enroll or in the program settings page.
- Create offers in bulk using Build International Listings. You can also manage pricing between US offers and Mexico and Canada offers in bulk.
- Go to each marketplace account and use the standard process for adding a product. Remember to adjust your price to the local currency.
ASIN Status Report:
I can’t find my ASIN in Canada or Mexico. What should I do?
You can create ASINs on and through feeds, the standard process for adding a product, or API, just as you did on
The ASIN Status report says my offer isn’t valid. Why?
This can happen for a number of reasons. It could be that Amazon pulled the offer in the US because of counterfeit concerns, or because the item was out of stock or not approved for sale. Review the More details column in your ASIN Status report for information on how to fix the problem. Check the US listing to understand what could be wrong.
Why does ASIN Status report say offer does not exist in target MP when the offer has been created?
If you create an offer on or but your ASIN Status report says the offer doesn’t exist, it’s probably because your item has a different SKU in the US. To fix the issue, create a new offer with the same SKU as the US ASIN. Then check your ASIN Status report again after 24 hours.
My ASIN doesn’t exist on How can I translate my US offer into Spanish?
You can find a directory of third-party translation providers on Amazon’s Service Provider Network.