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Your journey to sell
in Mexico

You want to expand your sales to Mexico but don’t know how? Get an overview in what are the steps to take to start selling in Mexico, and how you can find support from Amazon’s Service Provider Network (SPN) trusted providers every step of the way.

Step 1

Obtain Mexican Tax ID and import license


Define legal representative and local address to execute tax related applications


Define the company model to apply for tax registry and incorporate it in MX


Set bank account


Apply for RFC at SAT (Gov. Secretary of Tax Administration) to obtain Tax ID


Follow up your RFC application until obtain resolution


Apply for Importer License

Step 2

Obtain compliance certifications for your products


Complete previous milestone (Obtain Mexican Tax ID and import license)


Identify regulations and standards that apply to your product category (NOMs in Mexico)
Some product categories require COFEPRIS approval (Gov. FDA equivalent in MX) like:
Product categories that require COFEPRIS approval
  • Cosmetics
  • Food
  • Food supplements
  • Medical products
  • Medical devices / equipment
  • Vitamins among others


Submit application to COFEPRIS to obtain register to sell your products / Fulfill labeling requirements to comply with NOMs that apply to your products


Obtain NOM certifications

Step 3

Get trademark rights for your products


Define the brand type to register


Identify the international class registry that applies to your case


Review that your brand is not confused to another registered brands and complies with Mexican Law


File Brand registry application at IMPI (Mexican Institute of International Property)


Follow up your registry application and Obtain resolution (brand registry issue or denied)

Step 4

Get customs support and import your products to Mexico


Comply regulations and standards that apply to your products


Select a Customs broker to support you on the import process


Identify the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes that apply to your products to determine customs duties to be paid on imports


Fill MX Customs Declaration forms for customs clearance (Pedimento de Importación, Carta porte), a bill of lading, documents demonstrating guarantee of payment of additional duties for undervalued good


Pay tariffs


Obtain Customs clearance

Step 5

Get your inventory ready to sell


Select a Storage provider / Define if you want your inventory to be shipped to Amazon’s FC


Clear goods across boarder with Customs Broker support


Ship your products to the selected storage location


Prepare your products to sell (Bundling/Kitting, Labeling, item preparation)


Perform quality check to product/item before selling


Start selling!

SPN providers assistance along the way

Amazon has identified a group of trusted third-party service providers who can assist you to speed up your export journey with their expertise. Amazon’s Service Provider Network or Amazon SPN will help you with every step of selling internationally - from getting your tax registry to transporting your products to Amazon fulfillment centers and more.

SPN providers

Trademark registry:
Imports and Customs:
Disclaimer: Please be aware that Amazon is providing these listings solely as an informational resource. If you choose to retain a service provider, you will be contracting directly with that provider, which will be providing services to you at your direction. Amazon does not endorse any service provider or its services. Any prices shown above in a converted currency are presented for your reference only, and the service providers may charge you in a different currency or amount, plus any applicable taxes.
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